The Last-Minuters - on standby!
Hi everyone. I'm taking a little break from TLM to concentrate on working up some samples for Doctor Who magaazine (and you can check my progress at my sketch blog, here), so there won't be any new pages up here for a while. But fret not: TLM will be back in one month - just in time for Christmas!
In the meantime:
In the meantime:

Aww...Dan, I`m really gonna miss these guys (and gal - sorry, Alison!) A whole month! I really felt quite emotional at the sight of them all waving farewell.
Especially regarding the Sky-Knight - I really have a soft spot for him. Still,
it`ll be a Christmas treat to look forward to and, in the meantime, I`m going to look back at all the TLM pages again. Whoopee!
This AND your Doctor Who illustrations.
You spoil us, Dan! Good man!
well, this is unfortunate for me.
good luck on the Dr. Who stuff!
Sorry Scott - but I guarantee they'll be back in full effect in December. Even if the DW thing comes off, I still want to stick at it with these guys - I just like 'em to much to leave them behind. Thanks as always for the excellent encouragement!
You too BJ!
*bah* c'mon don't leave us dry, or else I'l start doing my own last-minuters strip and I promise you don't want that :)
heh, I started a mock cover for a "ELEVENTH HOUR MEMOIRS"
With Motor Man going back to Rust City and embroiled in a robot gang war.
A Lone Serpent - I would *love* to see that.
Thedave - ditto!
oh no! Well I shall sit here and eagerly await their return :)
Love the recent stuff man!
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